
Recently on Twitter I have been followed, my links have been clicked and I've been 're-tweeted'.  For me, that's quite exciting. 

I wondered how people found me and discovered they must have searched on topics that I have tweeted about.  I decided to give this idea a go and searched for something I'd like to find 'Writing Competitions'. 

I follwed a link to a website called "Fiction on Demand" and there was a very intersting competition on Speculative Fiction.... but I didn't read the closing date which was the end of May until after I finished writing my piece titled 'Giskard'.  Although 'Giskard' was too late to enter I shall add it to the 'Comp Stories' section of the site.

I returned to twitter to search again adn 'Fiction on Demand' came up again.  This time for a competition on 'The Sixties' and I have until 13 August 2010 to enter.  You can check out the details here: